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TSUL and QS exchanged views on improving the prestige of the university in this international ranking

As we all know, QS World University Rankings is one of the leading organizations that annually publishes international rankings of universities. This ranking evaluates the prestige of the university in the academic community and among employers, research activities and citations, employment of graduates and the level of their employment.

During the visit to the UK, delegation headed by rector of Tashkent State University of Law - Akbar Tashkulov met with the president of the organization Nunzio Kvakcarelli and regional director Sergey Khristolyubov at head office of QS.

During the meeting, the basic criteria and requirements for participation in the international QS rankings were discussed. The achievements of TSUL in the ratings, academic and professional reputation and research activities of the teaching staff were analyzed.

The QS representatives have also given recommendations on the current position of the University in international rankings and its further development.

For reference: TSUL was awarded the nomination "Recognition of Data Engagement" in the QS World University Ranking 2022.


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