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A “Law Class" will be organized in Namangan schools with the support of TSUL

As you know, on May 25, 2024 the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On further increase of responsibility and formation of compact system of management of bodies and institutions of justice in the framework of administrative reforms" was adopted. The decree set the task of introducing the "school - lyceum - technical school - university" system in the training of legal personnel by organizing a "Law Class" in schools and in-depth teaching of legal disciplines.

In order to ensure that the tasks set out in the decree were carried out, the acting rector of Tashkent State University of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Islambek Rustambekov, visited general education schools in Namangan and familiarized with the work of organizing law classes in educational institutions.

During the study, meetings were organized with officials of general education schools, and it was announced that Tashkent State University of Law would assist in organizing law classes in educational institutions.


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