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An article about distance learning at TSUL has been published in prestigious American journal “Journal of Legal Education”

The article by Joan Blum, Professor of Boston College Law School, USA, on “Building Student Engagement in Remote Learning in the United States and Uzbekistan” was published in the prestigious international scientific journal “Journal of Legal Education”.

The article analyzes the work on the organization of distance learning at TSUL in the short term during the pandemic. The author emphasizes that US professors of law, given the difficulties faced by the teachers of Tashkent State University of Law in conducting virtual lessons, can become a role model in applying the most effective technologies of learning conditions for students with uneven access to the Internet. This article, which took 4 years to publish, is of interest to higher education institutions in both countries that train legal personnel in the context of digitalization.

The article can be found at the link below:

For reference: Joan Blum graduated from Harvard University in the USA (1975) and Columbia Law School (1978). Since 2017, she has been collaborating with Tashkent State University of Law in various programs. “Journal of Legal Education” (ISSN 0022-2208) is a publication of the American Association of Law Schools and is indexed in Scopus database. The main purpose of the journal is to provide a rich exchange of ideas and information on legal education and related issues, including the legal profession, legal theory, and the legal sciences.


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