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Purvi Pokhariyal and Stephen Barnes were awarded the title “Honorary Professor” of TSUL

As you know, Tashkent State University of Law has performed special important tasks in developing science, including it in the ranking of internationally recognized organizations, promoting the achievements of our country in the field of jurisprudence at the international level, as well as selfless service in raising the intellectual potential of the young generation and the tradition of awarding national and foreign experts, partners of the university, who contribute to increasing the reputation of the university at the international and national level, with the title of "Honorary Professor" has been established.

In this regard, according to the order of the rector of the university, the campus director of the National Forensic Science University of India (Republic of India), Doctor of Science, Professor Purvi Pokhariyal and the Deputy Dean of the Law School of the Pennsylvania State University (USA) for Graduate and International Programs , Doctor of Science, Professor Stephen Barnes was awarded the honorary title of "Honorary Professor" of Tashkent State University of Law.


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