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About the "Legal Tech" laboratory of the Center of Legal Initiatives and Innovations of the Tashkent State University of Law

The Legal Tech laboratory at the Center of Legal Initiatives and Innovations was organized in accordance with point 33 of the Roadmap for further improving the activities of TSUL by PD No.UP-5987 dated April 29, 2020 "On additional measures to radically improve legal education and science in the Republic of Uzbekistan ".

By order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 27, 2020 No. 92, 1 staff unit was allocated to this laboratory. A young specialist I. Norov was hired for this vacancy.

Also, for the effective organization of laboratory work, 216-A room of the 3rd educational building was allocated. Currently, the design of the premises and the necessary documents for improving the material and technical base of the laboratory have been developed. Work is underway to purchase the necessary equipment and premises in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

At the same time, the project of a coworking center at Legal Tech and Foresight Center was designed. A stand with a name was set up in front of the laboratory.

In order to study the best foreign experience and practice of organizing laboratory activities, the following publications were purchased and placed for use in the center, published in foreign countries:

1) “Legal Tech and the New Sharing Economy,” Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, 2020.

2) “Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blokchain”, Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, 2019.

3) “The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople,” David W. Tollen, 2016.

4) “Information technology and lawyers”, Arno R. Lodder, 2006.

5) “The innovative Lawyer”, Thomas A. Decker, 2003.

This laboratory serves as a center for business incubation and acceleration of start-up projects at the university. The laboratory constantly monitors the development and achievements in the field of information technology, including technical solutions that can be used in the development of information and legal technologies and systems; ensuring the development of information and legal technologies. The purpose of this laboratory is to awaken students' interest in information technology and systems and to attract them to this area.

For this purpose, students, doctoral students and independent applicants of TSUL participate in competitions for new startups "Best Innovative Project", "Youngest Scientist" and "Best Independent Work", "Best Creative Approach", "Best Innovative Idea" and "Competitions in the nomination" Innovative education ". More than 40 works took part in the competitions. All works were discussed in detail and the winners in each nomination were determined.

In addition, an online competition for the best start-up projects for 2020 was organized among students, and the final stage was held remotely on June 9, 2020 through the ZOOM application.

The competition was attended by projects totaling 550 million soums, such as: “Strengthen your life with law!”, “Transfers”, “ID on the phone”, “MyLaw”, “Online legal advice market”, “ "," "and Legally24.Uz.

The results of the competitions were announced by the Youth Academy under the Ministry of Innovative Development: “Strengthen your life with law!”, “”, “Online legal advice market”, “”. These startup projects were eligible to participate in the competition for the best 20 start-up projects for 2020 on a self-financing basis.

In addition, in order to support promising youth start-up projects and implement the "University 3.0" concept, the university has formed a portfolio of 30 start-up projects.

To implement these projects, a web platform and a mobile application "Legal City" have been created. On October 7, 2020, the presentation of the web platform took place. The mobile application is hosted on the Google Play Market platform and is available for download.

In addition, a business accelerator of the Legal Tech laboratory was launched. In order to constantly replenish the portfolio of start-up projects, it is planned to organize and hold a start-up project competition in 2021.

Currently, work is underway to effectively implement start-up projects. To attract students to this activity and form project groups in accordance with the portfolio of startups, announcements were posted on the official website of TSUL and on social networks. As a result, a resident base of the laboratory was formed, consisting of more than 40 students.

The laboratory also contributed to the process of creating symbols of the university, reflecting the unique image of the university. For this, projects of the university logos and a project of the exterior of new university buildings were developed.

For the implementation of start-ups and the commercialization of scientific and innovative developments, measures were taken to create the «Scientific Translations». Within the framework of the project for the implementation of scientific translations, the site "" was created.

In order to constantly inform the public about the laboratory's activities developed logo of the laboratory, and a channel was launched on the Telegram social network. In addition, a channel has been launched on the Youtube platform where courses on legal technology solutions will be announced.

Was developed the prospectus and the first copies were published, which contained useful information for students, as well as information materials related to the activities of the Tashkent State University of Law. This guide also contains information you need to live and study in Tashkent. Currently, work is underway to create a platform for students.