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The order of interviews and evaluation criteria for admission of graduates of law lyceums

One-on-one interviews are held annually by the interview commission from July 10 to 20.

One-on-one interviews are conducted in the languages of instruction at Tashkent State University. The language of the individual interview is determined by the applicant and specified in his / her application for admission.

Applicants will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. The applicant attends the individual interview with a biometric passport (identification ID-card).

It is strictly forbidden for an applicant to bring, use or transfer mobile phones and other communication and telecommunications equipment, dictionaries, books and cribs to another applicant, as well as to assist another applicant in a one-on-one interview.

A one-on-one interview with one applicant can last up to 45 minutes.

The results of individual interviews are evaluated on a 100-point scale.

In this case:


Criteria for individual interviews

Maximum score


Understanding the significance of comprehensive reforms in the country (state and society building, rule of law, economic development and liberalization, as well as the ability to imagine and think about reforms in the social sphere and other areas)



Motivation in choosing a specialty (understanding the essence and social significance of the legal profession, constant interest in it, secondary special, vocational education)



Personal and professional traits (ability to read, practical activity in solving professional tasks, discipline, solidarity, responsibility, degree of independence in decision-making, the presence of personal achievements, as well as the ability to work and be creative)



Knowledge and professional skills in the field of jurisprudence (at the level of professional education, the ability to express and analyze their views in the field of jurisprudence)


The results of the interview will be announced on the official website of Tashkent State University of Law on the next working day after the interview.

Applicants will not be accepted in the following cases:

non-attendance for one-on-one interview according to the schedule (0 points);

when 56% or less of the maximum score set in a one-on-one interview is scored.

It is not allowed to repeat the individual interview for admission to the bachelor's degree program of Tashkent State University of Law.