Which programs may be chosen by the students at bachelor degree?
There are five programs available for the students during their study in bachelor degree at University:
State-law activity;
Civil-law activity;
Business-law activity;
Criminal-law activity;
International-law activity.
Which modules are included into curriculum of University?
Curriculum of University includes five groups of modules on the following directions of science and education:
socio-economic disciplines;
professional disciplines;
special disciplines (different in each program) *
additional disciplines
Overall number of modules to be studied by the students within 4 years of study is 40 whereas 12 law modules are optional and be chosen by the student. Education at University is organized based on module system, which demands modern forms of teaching, learning resources and assessment. Module system requires implementation of interactive methods of education, innovative technologies and enhancement of practical skills along with theoretical education. Moreover, every student is taught to be able to analyze, independently study, to search and apply information.
THow many languages are taught at University?
Education at University is conducted both in Uzbek and Russian languages. Students may study English, German and French languages.
Students may also study 12 modules in English language and the number of law modules to be taught in English will be increasing year by year.
At the same time there is Center for the Study of Japan Law, where students may wish to study the Japanese language and law free of charge.
How is the knowledge of students assessed?
Assessment of knowledge of the students at University is performed in accordance with the Regulation «On the rating system of monitoring and assessment of students in higher educational institutions» (on 22 April, 2016 registration number 2780). A new system of assessing the knowledge of students was applied at TSUL.
Assessment of student knowledge is performed through assessment to be conducted during tutorials, course works and final exams.
Learning rate of students on each modules is held on the base of rating system of students` knowledge, qualification and skills in grades.
Knowledge of students on each module is assessed on the base of 100 grade system with whole number. 100 grade is divided in the following control types:
Current control-30 grade
Intermediate control-20 grade
Final control-50 grade
Where can we purchase textbooks?
University owns an extensive scientific fund and a rich legal library. Students have an opportunity to use legal library during their study at University.
Students may also purchase textbooks at the bookstore of publishing house "Shark" and its specialized bookstores around Tashkent city.
How is internship of the students organized?
It was drawn a great attention to strengthen student`s practical and theoretical knowledge obtained during the studies at TSUL in practice. Student`s internship is carried out according to the Resolution on procedure of introductory internship and professional practice as well as practice of students of Legal educational establishments (except military, specific high educational establishments) on 21 December 2013 registration number 2548 in the following way: Internship in bachelor degree:2 year - Introductory internship; 3 year – Professional internship in accordance with the profile of program; 4 year – Graduation internship, Organization of practice in the magistracy: 1 year – Professional internship; 2 year – Probation.
Internship of the students is organized in accordance with profile of programs and conducted in the state authorities, judicial, law enforcement organizations, law firms, and business entities, financial-banking and other institutions.
Is there a possibility of job placement by University?
University organizes annually "Career Day" for assistance in employment of graduates. “Career Day” is organized for the 4th year students and graduating masters. The representatives of government authorities, the judiciary and law enforcement authorities, banking and financial institutions and other organizations may participate in “Career Days” in order to provide graduates with information about job places, employment terms and conditions, as well as level of wages and opportunities for career growth. At this event, graduates have an opportunity to review the job offers and talk to potential employers.
Job placement by University is possible for only graduates who studied on the basis of the state scholarship for a period of work of not less than 3 years.
What is the procedure for admission to the PhD degree at University?
Postgraduate studies last for three years in accordance with the Presidential Decree dated of July 24, 2012 # UP-4456 "On further improvement of the system of preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical specialist" and the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of December dated of 28, 2012 year # 365 "On measures for further improvement of postgraduate education and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical specialist" in the following forms:
senior science fellow researchers - a form of post-graduate education, specializing in scientific and pedagogical activity organized in a higher educational institution to candidates for a degree of Doctor of Science, in-depth study of specialty and conduct of scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral dissertation out of work;
independent researcher - a form of post-graduate education, specializing in scientific and pedagogical activity organized in a higher educational institution to candidates for a degree of Doctor of Science, in-depth study of specialty and conduct of scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral dissertation along with a work;
Admission to postgraduate education institutions to position of senior science fellow researchers is carried out on a competitive basis by special commissions formed by University in accordance with requirements set under the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers dated of 28 December 2012 # 365.
In accordance with quotas of reception annually not later than 1 September University makes an announcement in the media about the acceptance of documents of applicants for a position of senior science fellow researcher, indicating the application deadline, the list of required documents and exams, terms of tuition fees (full scholarship and fee-contract) and other necessary conditions.
Documents are accepted from October 15 to November 15.
Competitive selection of applicants for postgraduate study is carried out on the results of entrance examinations. Entrance examinations are held during the period from 1 to 20 of December.
Persons entering into postgraduate study as a senior science fellow researcher or as independent researchers must correspond with government requirements imposed on senior science fellow researchers and independent researcher.
What is the difference between Tashkent State University of Law and Institute?
In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated of June 28, 2013 № PP-1990 "On measures on further improvement of the system of training of legal specialists" the module system of educating of lawyers was introduced in a full correspondence with modern international standards. Tashkent State Institute of Law was transformed into Tashkent State University of Law (hereinafter TSUL) and endowed with status of a fundamental undergraduate educational and scientific-methodological institution for training, retraining of lawyers around Uzbekistan.
Curriculum and module syllabuses were prepared in accordance with recognized international standards and requirements. Teaching is conducted towards developing analytical skills, practical skills of the students. The University has adopted new teaching methods and delivery skills of law modules in interactive way by providing students with all necessary learning materials.
Besides that it is drawn a great attention to complex scientific researches on actual legal problems of developing legal basis of modernization of state structure and government, judicial-law system and deepening market reformations as well as on learning world experience in law applying practice and applying scientific research results to the teaching process.
Particularly, it is drawn a great attention to students` legal written skills, computer literacy, learning foreign languages, analytic ability and managing ability on certain spheres of legal activity.
In spite of that there is not a dean`s office in the structure of University, study process is organized systematically by Educational-methodological department on the base of State Educational Standards, qualifying requirements and academic curriculums.
Can the foreigners study at the University?
Yes it is possible. Admission of foreign citizens to bachelor and masters programs is performed based on the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 4, 2008 # 169 "On enrollment and training of foreign citizens to the Universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Is it possible to transfer studies to Tashkent State University of law from another higher educational institution of Uzbekistan or foreign higher education institution?
Transferring studies to Tashkent State University of Law from another educational institution of Uzbekistan or foreign higher education institution is accomplished according to the approved Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2016, and the order of transferring, reclaiming and dismissing the students of higher education institutions.
Submission and consideration of applications for admission of students of higher educational institutions:
Submission of applications starts from 15th of July till 5th of August;
Consideration of applications of higher educational institutions, by relevant Ministerial (interdepartmental) Commission, and decision-making process starts from 5th to 30th of August.
The transfer of students' studies can be carried out for valid reasons (when moving from one place of residence to another for permanent residence or marriage, when changing the place of military service of a spouse or parents, or a parent (spouse) returned from public service from abroad) before the beginning of studies in spring term. In this case:
Application for transferring of admission- from 20th of December to 20th of January;
Decision - making process is held from 25th of January to 15th of February.