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Office of Organizational Control and Strategic Planning

Our goal: 

Coordination of control work at the university, study of the state of executive discipline at departments and in other structural divisions, preparation of proposals for improving the effectiveness of executive control, control of office work and execution of documents, their systematic analysis and regular monitoring. 

The addition of the Monitoring and Organizational Control Department to the Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 194-um dated October 21, 2020 "On approval of the staffing table of managerial, technical and service personnel of the Tashkent State Law University No. 92-um" and in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 29, 2020 UP-5987 "On additional measures to radically improve legal education and science in the Republic of Uzbekistan" there are 9 permanent staff. 

The Office of Organizational Control and Strategic Planning consists of Department of Monitoring and Internal Control, the Office, and the Archives.

Our staff:

Maxkamov Durbek Nematovich — Tashkiliy-nazorat va strategik  rejalashtirish boshqarmasi boshlig‘i
Nurullayev Shoxrux Shuxratullayevich — Monitoring va ichki nazorat bo‘limi uslubchisi 
Isroilov Behruz Dilshod o‘g’li — Monitoring va ichki nazorat bo‘limi inspektori 
Ergashev Nodir Haydarovich — Devonxona mudiri 
Xayrullayev Husniddin Muzaffar o‘g‘li — Devonxona ish yurituvchisi
Sayfixo‘jayev Botirxo‘ja Farxodxo‘ja o‘g‘li — Devonxona ish yurituvchisi
Аbuova Bog‘dagul Uralbaevna — Аrxiv mudirasi 
Sotimov Eldor Muzaffar o‘g‘li — Arxivarius 

Our address: 

Tashkent city, Sayilgoh Street, 35, Tashkent State Law University, building 1, office 204 

Contact number: 233-66-36, ( 1007,1038, 1144) 

Email address:;