University Education Scientific and innovative activity
International relations Student life Admission 2023 SDG
Oʼzbekcha Русский
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Foreign citizens are admitted to study at the Master's program at TUU on the basis of an interview based on the number of quota places determined on the basis of points scored according to the rating system.

The dates of the interview are determined by TSUL with the approval of the Ministry of Justice.

Information about the dates of the interview is published one month before the interview on the official channel of TSUL.

An interview held to determine:

professional knowledge and skills in the field of jurisprudence (to systematize, strengthen and expand theoretical knowledge and practical skills, to work with legal sources, to interpret and apply normative legal documents, to use existing evidence and situations to make clear legal decisions the presence of the ability to make a legally correct assessment);

the ability to conduct scientific research (the ability to analyze, think, as well as identify problems related to jurisprudence, conduct scientific research, understand basic scientific concepts and methods of scientific research);

the level of potential (the ability to improve knowledge and learning, an unconventional approach to solving problems, the desire to work on oneself and improve skills, the ability to maximize personal opportunities in order to achieve professional development, as well as the ability to work in a team and the presence of leadership qualities) ;

the rules and principles of ethics (interest in socio-economic problems and issues, the ability to express one's position and opinion and act on this basis, intolerance to lies and violations, tolerance, high moral standards, the presence of values, manifestation of values).

The interview for the admission of foreign citizens to the master's degree can be conducted remotely (online) as necessary.