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The Department of Criminal Procedure of Tashkent State University of Law will hold an online Olympiad

The qualifying round of the Olympiad will be organized as a quiz test via "Jinoyat protsessi" (@TSUL_CPL) channel. Participants will have 25 quizzes and 15 minutes to solve them.

20 students with the highest scores at the qualifying stage will take part in the quiz test through the KAHOOT platform. Participants will have 20 tests and 10 minutes to solve them.

The online Olympiad will begin on January 14 at 5 p.m. Those wishing to participate must write their first, last, and middle names in full. Nicknames and anonyms are not accepted.

The winners and prizewinners of the Olympiad will be awarded in the following order:

1st place - 500 thousand UZS;
2nd place - 300 thousand UZS;
3rd place - 200 thousand UZS.