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Training course on the module "Countering Corruption and Compliance" begins on February 20

A special course will be organized for the 3rd year students of Tashkent State University of Law.

The classes on the module "Anti-Corruption and Compliance" will be conducted by Goran Klemenchich, an expert from the international non-governmental organization "Regional Dialogue" and Quentin Reed, Professor of Oxford University .

Participants will have an opportunity to learn about the concept of corruption and the stages of development of an anti-corruption system, the role and importance of compliance control in preventing this phenomenon in the public and private sectors, the experience of developed countries in combating corruption, and development of strategic and analytical thinking skills in this area.

Upon completion of the course, the students will be issued a certificate.

3rd-year students who wish to participate in the special course should register until February 15 (phone at +998972303997 or telegram-address @bobur_otaboev).